Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. Title

“The Virginia Woolf Studies of Korea” serves as the society’s formal title.

Article 2. Purpose

First, The Virginia Woolf Studies of Korea aims to participate in foreign VWS and hold international conference of VWS in Korea. Second, the society provides opportunities for its members to share their scholarly findings and interpretations of Woolf’s works and modern English Literature. Third, to heighten and strengthen public readers’ interest and aesthetic pleasure in Woolf’s works and modern English Literature, the society projects and do the lectures on the subjects.

Article 3. Project

For the above purpose, The Virginia Woolf Studies of Korea undertakes the following:
1. Reading and discussion sessions; academic presentations; lecture seminars
2. Archiving of academic research related to Woolf
3. Publication of texts concerning Woolf
4. Academic exchange with international scholarly circles
5. To hold lectures for public readers
6. Activities and meetings necessary for the promotion of the society’s defined purpose

Article 4. Location

The society’s offices will be located within the presiding president’s academic institution/university.

Chapter 2. Membership

Article 5. Membership qualifications

The society recognizes as full members academics with the equivalent or higher education of a specialization in English literature. The society can accept special members who have contributed through donations and other contributions. Scholars with different fields of specialization, or public readers who are interested in Woolf and the academic activities of VWSK are allowed to participate if the executive council permits. Those who wish to participate in this society may be admitted as associate members by the general assembly.

Article 6. Membership admission/subscription

Membership requires the submission of a completed application form, which is reviewed and approved by the executive council.

Article 7. Membershipprivileges and responsibilities

Members are able to attend all meetings and activities sponsored by the society, and members are responsible for the business affairs managed by the elected executive council. All members are required to fulfill their responsibilities in regard to the payment of admission fee, annual membership fee, or lifetime membership fee.

Article 8. Regulations concerning the forfeiture of membership

Members who fail to fulfill their responsibilities for more than 2 years will automatically forfeit their membership. Members who bring disgrace to the society or damage relationships amongst members can be expelled by 2 motions from the executive council or by 5 motions from the general assembly.

Chapter 3. Organization and Executive Council

Article 9. Description of the organization

The society consists of the executive council, and the general assembly.

Article 10. Organizational structure

1. The general assembly recommends members to the executive council; amends the society’s regulations; decides upon issues concerning members; oversees revenue and expenditure; approves of scheduled activities; and discusses and decides upon important issues related to the society.

2. The executive council not only supervises the reading and discussion sessions and the academic presentations but also holds general assemblies while overseeing the society’s budget and deciding upon impending matters.

Article 11. Organization of the executive council

The society’s executive council consists of a president, a vice-president, a secretary-general, a treasurer, two members serving secretaries of research planning, a secretary of public relations, a editor, a secretary of information, and two members serving on the advisory board.

Article 12. Election to the executive council

Article 13. Council members’ responsibilities

1. The president represents the society and oversees all business related to the society.
2. The vice-president offers assistance to the president and in extraordinary situations serves as proxy for the president.
3. All council members must attend board meetings and vote upon issues concerning the society’s projects.
4. The advisory board must supervise and investigate the society’s fiscal matters and report to the executive council and general assembly.

Chapter 4. Meetings

Article 14. Calls for the general assembly

Article 15. Organization of the general assembly

The executive council consists of the president, vice-president, and executive council members. The president or 2 or more council members may call for a general assembly. Motions must receive more than half of the general assembly’s attending members’ votes to be passed.

Chapter 5. Finances

Article 16. Funds

The society’s finances are secured through the means of membership fees and contributions made by special members. The membership fee is decided at the annual regular general assembly.

Article 17. Fiscal year

The fiscal year begins on the day following the annual regular general assembly and continues until the day before the next annual general assembly.